With this work Katia Engel and her collaborators bring together the biophonies of various natural landscapes, pointing at their cultural relevance in times of climate collapse and loss of biodiversity all around the world. They invite their audience to a deep listening, of calls and vocalizations, rituals and conversations among the non-humans inhabitants of familiar and unfamiliar forests. Through dance they offer their personal memories and connection to these endangered poly- rhythms, allowing their audience to become aware of their own personal connection to and memories of the forest.
– Michela Filzi, published in STREAM Live Art Writing, June 2023
Concept, artistic direction: Katia Engel, Ari Ersandi
Performers and Co-creators: Polett Kasza, Sisilia Hangin Avun, Ari Ersandi
Sound design: Gatot Danar Sulistiyanto
Sound editing: Samuel Hertz
Lighting design: Riski Ade Pradista
Dramaturgy: Helly Minarti, Thomas Schaupp
Sound recording, film documentation: Faozan Rizal
Funded by: Intl Coproduction Fond Goethe Institute, Fond Darstellende Kunst, Institute for Foreign Affairs Germany
In partnership with: Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya-Unit KHDTK
Premiere in Indonesia: 22 June 2024, Komunitas Salihara Jakarta